Ikan keli tak dapat ke ulu
Empangan jadi penunggu
Ibu keli hanya merindu
Tiadalah lagi anak keli
Hilanglah semua anak keli
Nak ke mana lagi ibu
Nak kemana lagi ibu keli
Hanya boleh turun ke laut
Ikan keli turun ke laut
The dams and men block
The way with engineering rock
She has no choice really
but to go onwards to sea
The unknown might attack
She may never come back
The turtle, the traps, the toxin
Yet she will evolve, unlike her father
and become stronger than ever...
Pantang dicabar penyu
Pantang dicabar penyu jantan
Biar putih tulang, jangan putih mata
Where will the catfish go
The catfish can no longer
go home to spawn upriver
go home to spawn upriver
The dams and men block
The way with engineering rock
She has no choice really
but to go onwards to sea
The unknown might attack
She may never come back
The turtle, the traps, the toxin
The sea might be boiling poison
Yet she will evolve, unlike her father
and become stronger than ever...
Somehow your interpretation of the pantun appeared stronger than what I have understood.. Maybe I have yet to "menjiwai"(brought it to my inner sense?)
Oh dear , you caught me in the midst of my work in progress.
Try it now, maybe the Bahasa version is better now in its finished form.
Aye, now I can relate the two versions better.. You are lamenting the effects of so called economic progress on environment.. excellent..
I want to digress a lil bit..
The 4 phrases pantun there is similarities: rhymes etc {in 2 early phrase (pembayang) and 2 later phrases (maksud)}.
Is there any such rule/ect. in the 2 phrases(rangkap) pantun?
Dear Ayoh Wang,
Ikan keli turun kelaut is like a combi gurindam/puisi. Or a free form gurindam.
Pantun 4 kerat, 6 kerat and 8 kerat are all divided in half for pembayang and maksud.
Pantun 2 kerat has same rules but with aa bb or cc format.
Best example:
Banyak udang banyak garam
Banyak orang banyak ragam
The other 2 lined stanza is called gurindam. Actual or true gurindam normally takes on aa bb cc format where the 1st and 2nd line explain each other - generally nasihat. Or outcome of behaviour.
Kurang fikir, kurang siasat,
Tentu dirimu kelak tersesat.
Fikir dahulu sebelum berkata,
Supaya terelak silang sengketa.
Orang malas jatuh sengsara,
Orang rajin banyak saudara.
Ilmu kepandaian boleh dikejar,
Asal mau rajin belajar.
Menolong sesama wajib dan perlu,
Tetapi tolonglah diri dahulu.
Puisi on the other hand is freeflow, beautiful language.
This is my understanding, I am still learning all the various forms of Malay poetry. Jangan nanti pandai haiku, poetry and sonnet, cinquaine and Rema Terza tapi tak pandai pantun, gurindam and syair!
Your questions are so good for me, I get the chance to recheck my understanding. Because sekarang ni ramai pulak omputeh dok tanya!
Really I am lost totally.
Pantun, gurindam dan syair
Timun, ulam dan petai
Yang jahil sperti saya
Memang mustahil mencari beza
Wan Sharif tu memang arif.
Dear Pakcik,
Selamat datang ke alam pantun saya.
Ayoh Wang keeps me on my toes and injects enthusiasm into this pet project of mine.
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